Thursday, July 4, 2013

Benefits & Use of Paulownia plant

Benefits & Use of Fast-Growing Paulownia Trees

Primary Benefits

Ornamental Use
  • Fast-growing, flowering, shade, hardwood tree that reaches approximately 10’-15’ the first year, and a mature height of 30' the third year fully shaded and blooming.
  • Produces a beautiful lightly scented lavender bloom the third spring that lasts 6-8 weeks.
  • Provides shade for homes starting the second summer.
  • Fast growing hardwood is light (14-18 lbs. per cubic foot). Does not warp, crack or twist.
  • Hardwood is fire-resistant. University of Texas labeled wood fire-resistant up to a flashpoint of 477o.
  • Fast-growing hardwood that is used for furniture, musical instruments, doors, moldings, window frames, poles, pulp and paper.
  • Makes great veneer and plywood.
  • Paulownia can be commercially harvested in five to seven years.
  • Peels 20% faster than conventional hardwood.
  • Lightweight with excellent weight-strength ratio.
  • Excellent external and internal cladding for energy efficient homes.
  • Regenerate from the stump after harvesting.
  • Ornamental trees grow from 25’- 30’ in three years, forestry trees grow 70’-80’ in 10-15 yrs.
  • Kiln dries in 24-48 hrs, air dries in 30-60 days (12% moisture).
  • Each acre of trees will scrub 13 tons of harmful CO2 gases and dust from the air each year.
  • Each tree can obsorb 24 gallons of wastewater per year.
  • Each tree releases about 13 lbs. of oxygen per day.
  • Each tree removes 48 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.
Food Source
  • Leaves make a nice tea. Flowers are a beautiful and tasty addition to your salad.
  • Organic honey production: most of the honey from China comes from the Paulownia tree.
  • Intercropping for food staples and specialty crops.
Animal fodder
  • Leaves contain 18-20% protein and are high in nitrogen.
  • A mature tree will produce 85 lbs. of dried fertilizer or animal fodder.
Waste Water Control
  • Increased nitrogen uptake or intake per acre.
  • Erosion control.
  • Waterway contamination can be significantly reduced.
  • Can reduce the spread of odors.
  • Excellent windbreak and screen.
  • Increased return per acre.
  • Waste from feed lots such as hog, turkey and chicken farms is the best fertilizer for the trees and, in turn, the leaves are an excellent food for the animals.

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