Saturday, July 6, 2013

Almond farming in Nepal

g]kfnL ;dfhn] cnd08nfO{ ;fdfGotof dw];L abfdsf] gfdn] lrGb5. o;nfO{ lrlgof abfd klg eGg] ul/G5. cnd08 leq u]8f x'g] r]/L, cf?, cf?av8f, v'kf{gLh:tf ag:klth:t} kmnhGo ag:klt xf]. t/ r]/L, cf?, cf?av8feGbf k[ys cnd08sf] rflx“ u]8f dfq pkof]u ul/G5 aflx/L cfj/0f k|of]u ul/b}g. o;sf] kft sl/a sl/a cf?sf] h:t} uf9f xl/of] / xNsf nfDrf] cfsf/sf]x'G5. oL b'a}sf] a+z klg Pp6} xf]. ?v x]/]/ ;fdfGo dflg;n] km/s 5'§ofpg ;Sb}gg\. cnd08sf] km"nnfO{ xl{{6sNr/d} ;a}eGbf cfs{ifs km"n dflgG5. cnd08 Prunae kl/jf/sf] ag:klt xf] h'g Amygdalus hftsf] dflgG5.
cnd08sf] dxTj
cnd08 @ k|sf/sf x'G5g\, sweet / bitter Sweet cnd08 vfgsf] nflu pkof]u x'G5 eg] bitter cnd08 laleGg laif tyf /;fog agfpg pkof]u ul/G5. Sweet cnd08df kmfOa/sf] dfqf sd x'G5 /
le6fldg O, DofUg]l;od,l;lnlgod, Sofnl;odh:tf ldg/nsf] dfqf k|r'/ x'G5. t]nhGo kmn eP klg o;n] zl//sf] sf]n:6«f]n 36fpg d2t k'/\ofp“5 ;fy} d'6'sf nflu of] cToGt pkof]uL dflgG5. cfo'{j]bdf lbgx' @ cf]6f cnd08 vfg]nfO{ s'g} klg c“fvfsf] ;d:of gx'g] hgfOPsf] 5. cnd08 le6fldg O sf] dxTjk"0f{ >f]t xf] h;n] dl:tissf] Ifdtf tyf cf“vfsf] IfdtfnfO{ dxTjk"0f{ ;xof]u k'/\ofp“5. SofG;/ /f]usf] k|lt/f]wssf] ?kdf klg o;nfO{ lnOG5. cnd08nfO{ l;w} vfg'sf] ;fy} rsn]6, s]s, t]n, cf}iflw agfP/ klg pkef]u ul/G5.
cnd08sf] laZj ahf/
cd]l/sf, o"/f]knufot lasl;t b]zx?df dfq geP/ ef/t kfls:tfg, ckmuflg:tfgdf klg cnd08sf] lazfn v]tL ePsf] 5. laZjdf k|To]s aif{ sl/a !& nfv 6g cnd08 pTkfbg x'g] ub{5. Ef/tdf @#)) 6g eGbf al9 cnd08 pTkfbg x'G5 eg] ckmuflg:tfgdf !*)) 6g cnd08 kmNg] ub{5. cd]l/sfdf laZjd} ;a}eGbf al9 cnd08 v]tL x'g] u/]sf] 5. cfhsf lbgdf Sofl{{nkmf]{lgof laZjs} ;a}eGbf al9 cnd08 v]tL ul/g] 7fp“ xf]. hxf“sf] v]tL ce"tk"j{ dflgG5. hxf“ ^))) eGbf al9 cnd08sf ls;fgx? n] $,%),))) Ps8 eGbf a9L If]qdf cnd08sf] ;kmn v]tL ul//x]sf 5g\. hxf“af6 laZjsf sl/a () b]zdf cnd08 lgsf;L ul/G5. s'g} ;dodf cd]l/sfaf6 pTkflbt cnd08n] laZjsf] sl/a *) k|ltzt ahf/ cf]u6g] ub{Yof]. clxn] rLg b]zdf ePsf] o;sf] Aofks v]tLsf sf/0f laZjahf/sf] %) k|ltzt lx:;f cd]l/sfn] cf]u6\b5. o;/L s"n pTkfbgsf] %) k|ltzt cd]l/sfdf x'G5 eg] :k]g, l;l/of, O6nL, O/fg, df]/Ssf], 6\o'lgl;of, 6sL{, n]jggsf ;fy} rLgdf klg cnd08sf] 7"nf] v]tL x'b} cfPsf] 5. ;fpy cd]l/sf tyf klZrdL Pl;ofsf w]/} b]zdf o;sf] dxTjk"0f{ v]tL x'b} cfPsf] 5. Gf]kfndf klg kl5Nnf aif{ cnd08sf] pkef]u 7"nf] ?kn] x'g yfn]sf] 5. kl5Nnf] tYof+s cg';f/ g]kfnn] x/]s aif{ sl/a !() s/f]8 d'Nosf] cnd08 :k]g, Sofg8f, OlhK6, 6\o'lgl;of, 6sL{ ef/t nufotsf b]zaf6 vl/b ug]{ u/]sf] b]lvG5.
g]kfndf cnd08 v]tLsf] ;+efjgf
g]kfnsf] ef}uf]lns kl/j]z cnd08 v]tLnfO{ cToflws pko'St dflgG5. oxf !#)) ld6/ eGbf dfly sl/a #%)) ld6/;Ddsf kfvfaf/Ldf cnd08 v]tL ug{ ;lsG5. oL prfO{ cGt{utsf If]qdf k/Dk/fut v]tL cGt{ut g]kfndf xfn;Dd vf;} cfDbfgL lng ;lsPsf] 5}g. kxfl8 If]qsf o:tf k|of]ulxg kfvfaf/Lx?df cnd08 nufP/ g]kfnnfO{ cnd08sf] pwf]usf] ?kdf lasf; ug{ ;lsG5. of] v]tLnfO{ ;fd'bflos jgdf h+unL k|ljlwaf6 v]tL u/]/ klg cfDbfgL lng ; k|hfltsf] of] ag:klt ;Dk"0f{ ?kdf cf?h:t} b]lvG5. laZje/L cf? kfOg] If]qdf o;sf] v]tL ul/b} cfPsf] 5. cf? h:t} xnSs a9\g] cnd08sf] cd]l/sg Pr l8 jfg cGt{utsf] zflndf/ e]/fO6L ljZjk|l;4 dflgG5.
cnd08 kmNg z'? ePkl5 !% b]lv #) aif{;Dd lg/Gt/ o;n] pTkfbg lbG5. o;sf] af]6 !) b]lv @) km'6;Dd cUnf] x'G5 t/ o;nfO{ sl6ª u/]/ ;fgf] agfpg klg ;lsG5. cd]l/sfh:tf b]zx?df ;fdfGotof o;nfO kmfu'g r}tdf v]tL ul/g] eP klg g]kfnh:tf b]zx?df ktem8 hftsf] ag:klt ePsf] sf/0f hf8f] dlxgf -kf}if, df3_ ;a}eGbf pko'St dflgP klg kflgsf] ;+efjgf ePsf] 7fp“df ;a} dlxgfdf o;sf] v]tL ug{ ;lsG5 eg] kfgLsf] sd ;+efjgf ePsf] 7fp“df aiff{ofd pko'St x'G5. o;sf] pTkfbg ebf} c;f]hdf lng] ul/G5 / ahf/df n}hfg] sfd sflQs d++l;/kl5 ul/G5. kmnhGo afnLeP klg cnd08 8«fO kmn ePsf]n] lau|g] 8/
x'b}g cfkm"nfO{ cg's'n ;dodf ahf/df n}hfg ;lsG5. o;nfO h}ljs tyf ufO{j:t'sf] dnsf ;fy} /f;folgs dnsf] k|ljlwjf6 klg v]tL ug{ ;lsG5. of] kxfl8 Onfsfsf] 3fd nfUg] kfl/nf] kfvfdf /fd|f] v]tL ePtf klg ^ 306f ;Dd 3fd nfUg] ;a} kxfl8 Onfsfdf o;sf] v]tL ug{ ;lsG5. KffgL gnfUg] kfvfx? jf aif]{ kflgsf] e/ kg'{ kg]{ 6f/x?df klg cnd08sf] v]tL ug{ ;lsG5. t/ kfgLsf] ;Dejgf gePsf] blIf0f kmls{Psf phf8
kfvfx?df eg] cnd08 v]tLsf] ;Defjgf /xb}g.
ahf/ If]q
laZjd} cToGt d“xuf] dflgg] cnd08sf] ahf/ ljZj el/g} lgs} g} /fd|f] dflgg'sf ;fy} o;sf] v]tL af6 cToGt 7"nf] cfDbfgL lng ;lsG5. g]kfnn] k|To]s aif{ ?= !() s/f]8eGbf al9sf] cnd08 vl/b ug]{ ub{5. o; cfwf/df :jb]zdf klg cnd08sf] ahf/ clw/fHoel/ g} /fd|f] e/kbf]{ b]lvG5. ;fy} cGt/fli6«o cuf{lgs k|dfl0ft ug]{ ;+:yfaf6 cuf{lgs k|dfl0ft u/fPkl5 cGt/fli6«o ahf/df klg /fd|f] ks8 /xg]5. laz]ifu/]/ kxfl8 If]q gePsf w]/} b]zx?df cnd08sf] Aofa;flos lgsf;Lsf] ;+efjgf Aofks 5. t/ klg z'?df o;sf] k|f/lDes ahf/ eg]sf] g]kfnsf] /fhwfgL nufot k|d'v zx/x? x'g]5.
pTkfbg of]hgf tyf v]tL ug]{ tl/sf
cnd08 v]tL udL{ dlxgfdf #) l8u|L;Dd tftf] x'g] 7fp“df ug{ ;lsG5. t/ nfdf] ;do ## l8u|L eGbf dfly tfkqmd k'Ug] 7fp“df o;sf] v]tL Tolt /fd|f] x'b}g. To:t} laz]if ul/ of] afnLsf] nflu v's'nf] df6f] /fd|f] dflgPtf klg kxfl8 If]qsf k|fo ;a} df6f]df of] v]tL ug{ ;lsG5. kfgLsf]nflu l;“rfO{ ;'ljwf gePklg ;/b/ *)) ldln kfgL kg]{ :yfgdf o;sf] v]tL ug{ ;lsG5.

 uf“pdf af“emf] ?kdf /x]sf !#)) ld6/ b]vL dflysf If]qx? laz]if u/]/ t'iff/f] kg]{ kfl/nf] 7fp“df
 cnd08 /f]Kgsf] nflu Ps af]6 b]lv csf]{ af]6sf] nflu sDtLdf !%, !^ lkm6sf] b'/L /fvL @ 3gkm'6df
   vfN8f] vGg]
 cnd08 v]tL ug{ nfluPsf] df6f]df olb v'd|fls/f, sldnf nufotsf ls/f ePdf v]tLk"j{ !% lbg cl3
   cf}iflw k|of]u ug]{. cf}iflw k|of]u ubf{ /f;folgst /lxt ahf/df kfO{g] h}ljs cf}iflw
    k|of]u ul/Pdf u'0f:t/Lo pTkfbgdf ;fxfotf ldNb5. v]tLk"j{ df6f]df s[lif r'gsf] k|of]u ul/
    df6f]sf] u'0f:t/ klg a9fpg ;lsG5.
 vlgPsf] vfN8f]df :yflgo If]qdf kfO{g] ufO{a:t', afv|f, s'v'/fx?sf] kfs]sf] dn tyf c? vfn]
   sDkf]i6 dn jf h}ljs dn xfNg]
 dn xfn]sf] & lbgkl5 dfq cnd08sf] la?jf ;fg]{. la?jf ;fdfGotof 8]9aif{sf] pd]/sf]
   nufpg] ul/G5.
 la?jfsf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu la?jf nufPkl5 lj?jf ePsf] 7f“p;lxt cf;kf;sf] sl/a # km'6sf]
   kl/lw;Dd xl/of tyf ;'s]sf kftx? ;+sng u/]/ sl/a ^ O{Gr afSnf] agfP/ /flvlbg]. o;n]
   df6f]df kfgLsf] dfqf a9fpg'sf] ;fy} df6f]sf] Ifdtf a9fp“5 / emf/ klg pd|g lbb}g.
 aif{sf] Ps k6s dn xfNg] / Ps k6s xf“uf sf“65f6 ug{' afx]s cGo x]/rfx ug{' gk{g]
   x'gfn] of] v]tL ug{ cToGt} ;lhnf] 5.
cnd08 la?jf ;f/]sf] @, ;f9] @ aif{kl5 dfq kmNg] x'gfn] o; lardf laleGg h}ljs v]tL -sfpnL, aGbf, a|f]sfpnL, cfn'_ ug]{, pGgt hftsf] ufO{ / afv|f kfNg] / df5f kfNg], cfw'lgs l8hfOgsf dfx'/Lsf 3f/x? lgdf{0f ul/ pSt aftfa/0fdf pko'St dfx'/Lx? /fvL cToflws kmfO{bf lng ;lsG5. To:t} le/fnf] k/]sf] hldgx?df ;t'jf, lr/fOtf] tyf pSt :yfgdf pko'St x'g] laleGg hl8a'6Lx? /f]kL yk cfDbfgL lng ;lsG5. oL ;j}s'/f af6 o; sDkgLsf] cfDbfgLsf] >f]t a9||\5 ;fy} cnd08 pTkfbg gx'Gh]n ;Dd sDkgLsf] sd{rf/Lx?sf] tna, dn vl/b tyf cGo vr{x? h'6fpg ;xof]u k'Ub5.
cfw'lgs k|ljlwsf ;fy pGgt hftsf] la?jf / pko'St jftfj/0f ePdf
cnd08 ! af]6df % s]=hL= b]lv @) s]=hL= ;Dd kmNg ;S5. As per the International Market price of almond per kg Rs, 700-1200.

Gff]6 M laleGg hftsf kmnkm'nx? h:t} sd prfO{df kmNg] :ofp, e'O{ :ofp, $))–%)) u|fd ;Dd x'g] cgf/, # aif{d} kmNg] bft] cf]v/, sfutL, r]/L, cnd08 cflbx?sf] af]6lj?jf rflxPdf tyf plrt k/fdz{ / ;Nnfx ;'emfjsf] nflu klg ;Dks{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .

;Nnfxsf] nflu ;Dks{ :yfg
PKkn g]kfn k|fOe]6 lnld6]8
sf7df8f}+, g]kfn.
Basundhara 03 kathmandu,Nepal.
Cell-9802056564, 9851166124,9818465333

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Paulownia farming and discription for Nepal

;+;F/d} ;a}eGbf l56f] a9\g], xn'sf, gdlSsg], gafª\lug] / gkm'6\g] ag:ktL                          kfpnf]lgof
kfpnf]lgof Pp6f ;+;F/d} ;a}eGbf l56f] a9\g] ax'u'0fL ag:ktL xf] h'g kfpnf]lgo;L kl/jf/df kb{5 . of] k|hfltsf] pTklt :yn lrgnfO{ dflgG5 . clxn] kfpnf]lgof Plzof tyf o'/f]ksf b]zx?df v]tL eO{/x]sf] 5 . hfkfg tyf sf]l/ofdf sl/a Ps xhf/ jif{ klxn] g} o;sf] v]tL z'? ul/Psf] xf] / pGgfO;f}+ ztfAbLdf of] cd]l/sf, o'/f]k, ci6]«lnof / Go'lhNof08;Dd k'Uof] .
kfpnf]lgofnfO{ ls6L j[If, /fhs'df/L j[If / dxf/fgL j[If klg elgG5 . lrlgof“ k/Dk/fdf kfpnf]lgof 5f]/L hGd]sf] pknIodf j[Iff/f]k0f ug]{ ul/G5 / kl5 5f]/Lsf] ljjfxdf ToxL ?v sf6]/ pgsf] gof“ kl/jf/sf nflu kmlg{r/ nufotsf j:t'x? bfO{hf] lbg k|of]u ul/G5 . sf7 pTkfbgsf nflu of] ?v cToGt} pkof]uL 5 . To:t} o;sf] km"n j}hgL /ªsf] / cfs{ifs cfs[ltsf] x'g] ePsf]n] au}rf, u]6 tyf af6f] 5]psf] zf]ef a9fpg / 5f“ofbf/ j[Ifsf] ?kdf ;d]t of] j[IfnfO{ /f]Kg] u/]sf] kfO{G5 .
kfpnf]lgof ag:klt l56f] a9\g], 8fn] 3f“;, ;f]Tt/ kts/ / jfo' k|b"if0f sd ug{ e"Ifo /f]Sg d2t ug]{ ax'pkof]uL, ktem8 hftsf] ?v xf] . of] j[If hlt w]/} sf6\of] plt knfpg] / xf“uf df]6f] x'G5 , sf6]sf] Ps aif{df g} nueu #) lkm6 ;Dd cUnf] x'G5 . of] ?vsf] km'n af6 lg:sg] dudu af:gf / k|;:t /; dfx'/Lsf] nflu clt pkof]uL x'G5 .
  kfpnf]lgof dWo] 6f]d]G6f];f k|hflt w]/} b]zdf v]tL ul/Psf] kfOG5 . of] laleGg xfjfkfgLdf x's{g] ePsf]n] g]kfndf klg o;nfO{ t/fO{ b]lv dWokxf8L If]qdf a[Iff/f]k0f ug{ ;lsG5 . kfpnf]lgof v'Nnf :yfgdf /f]k]df of] ?vsf] w]/} xf“uf laª\uf tyf ax'sf08 cfp5 eg] afSnf] cj:yfdf l;wf dfly a9\5 . /fd|f] d'gf knfpg] of] ?v nfO{ Ps /f]k]kl5 k6s k6s sf6\g / k|of]hgdf Nofpg ;lsG5 . g]kfnsf] Ol;df]8n] uf]bfj/Ldf kfpnf]lgof 6f]d]G6f];fsf] v]tL @) aif{ cuf8L g} z'? u/]sf] lyof] . clxn] pSt ?vsf] prfO{ &) lkm6 hltsf] /x]sf] 5 eg] uf]nfO{ nueu & lkm6 /x]sf] 5 .
s:tf] df6f]df s;/L / slt a[Iff/f]kg ug]{ <
ax'u'0fL tyf ax'pkof]uL kfpnf]lgof j[If !@)) b]lv @!)) ld6/ ;Ddsf] prfO If]qdf /f]Kg ;lsG5 . of] j[If w]/} kfgL, tftf] 7f“p / bf]d6 df6f]df /fd|f];“u x's{g] ePtf klg lrD6\ofOnf] b]lv anf}6] df6f]df klg km:6fp“5 . kfpnf]lgof l7s ;“u km:6fpg df6f]sf] PH  % b]lv * ;Dd x'g'kb{5 . sd Iff/ ePsf] df6f] pko'St x'g] x'gfn] g'gsf] dfqf a9L ePsf] hldgdf o;sf] j[l4 /fd|f] x'b}g . kfpnf]lgof j[If sd kf}li6s ePsf] df6f]df klg ;lhn};“u x's{G5 lsgeg] o;n] Sofnl;od / Dofug]l;odsf kf]h]l6e - Ca++/ MG++ _ cfof]gx? l5g]/ lng ;S5 . kfpnf]lgofsf] oxL u'0fn] ubf{ o;nfO{ vfgL pTvgg\ ul/Psf] :yfgnfO{ k"j{ ;'wf/ ug{ ;d]t k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . o2lk o;nfO{ dlnnf], /fd|f], bf]d6, anf}6] / kflgsf] ;tx !÷% ld6/ eGbf al9 ePsf] / kflg ghDg] 7fp“df /f]Kbf /fd|f] x'G5 .
kfpnf]lgof j[Iff/f]k0f ug{sf] nflu Ps xft nDafO{ / Ps xft rf}8fO{ / Ps xft ulx/f] vf8n vGg' kb{5 / a[Iff/f]k0f ug'{ eGbf @ xKtf klxn] g} vf8n vGg'kb{5 . vf8n vGbf dflyNnf] ;txsf] / d'lgsf] df6f] cnu cnu /fVg'k5{ clg la?jf /f]Kbf dflyNnf] ;txsf] df6f] klxn] / d'lgsf] df6f] k5fl8 /fv]/ vf8n /fd|f];u eg{'kb{5 . j[Iff/f]k0fsf] nflu ^ OGr b]lv ! km'6 ;Ddsf] la?jf /f]Kg' /fd|f] ePtf klg ;s];Dd 7"nf] ?v /f]Kbf lj?jf dg]{ ;+efjgf sd x'G5 . kfpnf]lgof j[Ifsf] h/f d'lg l;wf tnlt/ hfg] x'gfn] j[Iff/f]k0f leq 3';'jf cGgafnL klg nufpg ;lsG5 h;sf] nflu k|f/lDes b'/L %* !) ld6/ @)) la?jf k|lt x]S6/ /f]k]/ kl5 ;Dd olx ;+Vof sfod ug'{ kb{5 .
j[Iff/f]k0f ;Da{wg s;/L ug]{ <
-s_ cgfjZos lj?jf x6fpg' tyf cfjZos la?jfsf] k|lt:kwf{ x6fO{ la?jf x's{g] jftfa/0f k|bfg ug{ uf]8d]n ug]{
-v_ cGo ?vx? eGbf kfpnf]lgof ?vnfO{ /fd|f];“u x's{g k|z:t kfgL cfjZos kg]{ x'bf ;'Vvf ofddf ;do ;dodf l;+rfO{ ul//xg' kb{5 ;fy} dnsf] nflu gfO6«f]hg–km:kmf]/;–kf]6f;–;f]l8od s|dzM *–!!–!)–& efunfO{ @%) u|fdsf b/n] k|lt la?jfsf] sl/a Ps km'6 6f9f b'/ldf jl/kl/ xfNg' k5{ .
-u_ uf“7f] gePsf] u'0f:t/Lo sf7 pTkfbg ug{ ;dod} tNnf] xf“ufx? sf6\g' kb{5 , ?vsf] cj:yf x]/]/ /f]k]sf] t];|f] aif{df xf“uf sf6\g] ug{' kb{5 .
j[IfF/f]k0f w]/} afSnf] ePdf vfgf / k|sfzsf nflu k|lt:kwf{ ug]{' kg]{ x'gfn] o:tf] cj:yfdf lj?jfnfO{ kftnf] kf/]df a[l4 l56f] x'G5 . 5f6\g] sfo{ laleGg pd]/df ug'{ kb{5 .
k|lt?v jfl{if{s a[l4
kfpnf]lgof ?vsf] d'Vo laz]iftf tLa| a[l4 xf] / o;sf] j[l4 df6f]sf] dlnnf]kgf / ;Daw{gdf e/ kb{5 . /fd|f];“u :ofxf/ k'u]df of] la?jf a[Iff/f]k0f u/]sf] ! aif{df @) b]lv @% lkm6 cUnf] x'G5 , %÷^ aif{df g} ^) lkm6 cUnf] x'G5 pkof]uL sf7x? k|fKt ug{ ;lsG5 . t;y{ lrlg“of x?n] eGg] u/]sf 5g\ æ kfpnf]lgof ?v Ps aif{df vDafh:tf], tLg jif{df 5ftf h:tf] / kf““r jif{df lr/]/ ºofsx? agfpg ;lsG5 .Æ
KnfOp8 kmlg{r/ / cGo k|of]hgsf nflu kfpnf]lgofsf] sf7

kfpnf]lgofsf] sf7 cGo sf7 eGbf cToGt} xn'sf -$) k|ltzt_, gdlSsg], gafª\lug] / gkm'6\g] ePsf]n] o;sf] k|of]u lbgk|ltlbg a9\b} uO{/x]sf] 5 . of] sf7 kx]nf], v/fgL /ªsf] xNsf ePtf klg v“lbnf] vfnsf] x'G5 h;df ls/f ;d]t nfUb}g, w'jfn] glau|g] , tfksf] s'rfns ePsf]n] rf8} cfuf] klg nfUb}g . o;sf] sf7 ;of}+ aif{ cl3b]lv g} laleGg k|of]hgsf nflu k|of]u x'b} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . h:t} M
kml{g{r/ tyf jfb\ojfbs –M    ¤ofn, 9f]sf, vfkf, knª, ;f]kmf, b/fh, cfNdf/L, 3/f{x?, 6]an, s';L{, kfs]{l6ª cflb
v]nf}gf tyf ejg –M   km'nbfgL, eujfgsf] d"lt{, sf7sf] df5f, ANofsaf]{8, ¥ofº6af]6, ;km{af]6, :n]6 cflb To:t} 3/sf] leQf, leqL kvf{n, l;lnª / leqL 5fgfsf] nflu pko'St x'G5 . o;sf] sf7af6 dfx'/Lsf] 3f/ agfpgfn] 3f/leqsf] tfkqmddf l:y/tf cfO{ a9L dx pTkfbg x'G5 .
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PKkn g]kfn k|fOe]6 lnld6]8
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Basundhara 03 kathmandu,Nepal.
Cell-9802056564, 9851166124

What Trees have to do with Peace

What Trees have to do with Peace

     Thirty years ago, in the country of Kenya, 90% of the forest had been chopped down. Without trees to hold the topsoil in place, the land became like a desert. When the women and girls would go in search of firewood in order to prepare the meals, they would have to spend hours and hours looking for what few branches remained. A woman named Wangari watched all of this happening. She decided that there must be a way to take better care of the land and take better care of the women and girls. So she planted a tree. Then she planted another. She wanted to plant thousands of trees, but she realized that it would take a very long time if she were the only one doing it. So she taught the women and they were paid a small amount for each sapling they grew. Soon, she organized women all over the country to plant trees, and a movement took hold. It was called the Green Belt Movement, and with each passing year, more and more trees covered the land.
     But something else was happening as the women planted those trees. Something else besides those trees was taking root. The women began to have confidence in themselves. They began to see that they could make a difference. They began to see that they were capable of many things, and that they were equal to the men. They began to recognize that they were deserving of being treated with respect and dignity. Changes like these were threatening to some. The president of the country didn't like any of this. So police were sent to intimidate and beat Wangari for planting trees, and for planting ideas of equality and democracy in people's heads--- especially in women's. She was accused of "subversion" and arrested many times. Once, while Wangari was trying to plant trees, she was clubbed by guards hired by developers who wanted the lands cleared. She was hospitalized with head injuries. But she survived and it only made her realize that she was on the right path. For almost thirty years, she was threatened physically and she was often ridiculed in the press. She didn't flinch. She only had to look in the eyes of her three children and in the eyes of the thousands of women and girls who were blossoming right along with the trees to find the strength to continue. That is how it came to be that 30 million trees were planted in Africa, one tree at a time. 
     The landscapes--both the external one of the land and the internal one of the people— have been transformed. In 2002, the people of Kenya held a democratic election, and the president who opposed Wangari and her Green Belt Movement is no longer in office. Wangari is now Kenya's Assistant Minister for the Environment. On her sixty-fifth birthday Wangari Maathai planted one more tree in celebration and thanksgiving for being given a very great honor; she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She is the first African woman to receive this award. After she was notified, she gave a speech entitled, "What Do Trees Have To Do With Peace?" She pointed out how most wars are fought over limited natural resources, such as oil, land, coal or diamonds. She called for an end to corporate greed and for leaders to build more just societies. She added: "Our recent experience in Kenya gives hope to all who have been struggling for a better future. It shows it is possible to bring about positive change and still do it peacefully. All it takes is courage and perseverance and a belief that positive change is possible. That is why the slogan for our campaign was "It is Possible!" On behalf of all African women, I want to express my profound appreciation for this honor, which will serve to encourage women in Kenya, in Africa, and around the world to raise their voices and not to be deterred. When we plant trees, we plant the seeds of peace and seeds of hope. We also secure the future for our children. I call on those around the world to celebrate by planting a tree wherever you are."
     As she received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, she invited us all to get involved: "Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. We are called to assist the Earth to heal her wounds and in the process heal our own."

Paulownia Tree History and Description

Paulownia Tree History and Description

History of the Paulownia Tree

For centuries, the Chinese have grown Paulownia, also known as Empress and Sapphire trees for beauty and for highly-prized timber. Paulownia is a fast-growing shade tree that produces a lightweight timber that is used in the making of moldings, cabinets, veneers, furniture and even musical instruments.
        In Japan when a girl child is born, they plant a Paulownia tree for her and when she marries they build her wedding chest from the tree. They also believe that the tree should be planted next to the house so that the Phoenix would come protect them and bring good luck.

Description of Fast
Growing Paulownia Trees

Genus and species - The genus of the Paulownia trees is Scrophulariaceae. The Paulownia Tree family includes these three highly prized species.
  Note: "full sun is best"

  1. Mature height (in 3 yrs): 30 feet: (1st yr: 12/18' -- 2nd yr: 20/25' -- 3rd yr: 28/30')
  2. Blossoming (2nd/3rd yr): 6 weeks in spring. Color: sapphire blue, yellow center.
  3. Temperature range: (0 to +120) degrees - drops leaves in winter.
  4. Soil conditions: well drained is best, light to heavy clay is ok.
  5. Soil ph: 5.5 to 8.5 (6.5 is the optimum ph level).
  6. Limitations: Trees will not do well in overly wet soils or salt sea air.
  7. Root system: Multiple tap roots - 15 to 20 feet deep.
  8. Fertilizer: High nitrogen, chicken manure is best.
  9. Water: Soak deeply once or twice a week for first two years.
    When roots reach maturity, water requirement very low.

Elongata (Paulownia Elongata) Note: "full sun is best"

  1. Mature height: 75 feet: (3rd yr: 28/30' -- 15-18 yrs: 75')
  2. Blossoming (2nd/3rd yr): 6 weeks in spring. Color: light lavender, yellow center.
  3. Temperature range: (-05 to +120) degrees - drops leaves in winter.
  4. Soil conditions: well drained is best, light to heavy clay is ok.
  5. Soil ph: 5.5 to 8.5 (6.5 is the optimum ph level).
  6. Limitations: Trees will not do well in overly wet soils or salt sea air.
  7. Root system: Multiple tap roots - 15 to 20 feet deep
  8. Fertilizer: High nitrogen, chicken manure is best.
  9. Water: Soak deeply once or twice a week for first two years.
    When roots reach maturity, water requirement very low.
Fortunei (Paulownia Fortunei) Note: "full sun is best"

  1. Mature height: 75 feet: (3rd yr: 28/30' -- 15-18 yrs: 75')
  2. Blossoming (2nd/3rd yr): 6 weeks in spring. Color: pearl white, lavender center
  3. Temperature range: (+15 to +120) degrees - drops leaves in winter.
  4. Soil conditions: well drained is best, light to heavy clay is ok.
  5. Soil ph: 5.5 to 8.5 (6.5 is the optimum ph level).
  6. Limitations: Trees will not do well in overly wet soils or salt sea air.
  7. Root system: Multiple tap roots - 15 to 20 feet deep.
  8. Fertilizer: High nitrogen, chicken manure is best.
  9. Water: Soak deeply once or twice a week for first two years.
    When roots reach maturity, water requirement very low.

Basic Planting Instructions (see attachments for detailed instructions)
  1. Plant your Paulownia tree in full sun. Partial shade will work but full sun is best.
  2. Dig a hole two feet square and two feet deep, or larger if soil is poor.
  3. Fill with good topsoil mixed 50/50 with potting soil and/or peat moss.
  4. Make a dished out area in the top of the soil mix and plant your tree in the center.
  5. Fill the dished out area with water and soak all new soil deeply.
  6. Be sure to let soil dry out inbetween watering. Soak deeply each time you water.
  7. In the heat of summer (90 and above) water 2 to 3 times a week. (soak deeply)
  8. To feed your tree, add high nitrogen fertilizer to water minimum once a month (preferably two times a month) at sunset for the first two seasons. This is highly recommended for best results.
Note: If you plant your tree in an area of the yard that is watered with a sprinkler system, you must water the tree deeply as if it was not watered at all. The reason for this: If you water the tree only with the sprinkler system, the water will not go deep and the roots of the tree will grow out under the grass looking for water. As these roots grow larger, they can cause problems. If you water deeply, the roots will grow down, keeping the yard clear.
Note: - Do not use any form of insecticide or weed-killer anywhere near your tree. All Paulownia trees are highly sensitive to poisons and will die or be severely damaged if exposed to them. (See detailed planting instructions for more information.)

Recommended Web Links for Paulownia

Recommended Web Links
Urban Gardening and Agriculture

Urban gardening is a great way to improve the urban environment. Learn all about different forms of urban gardening and agriculture with this informational site. No matter how big your city or how small your apartment, you can enjoy gardening.

Home and Garden Decorating Center

This website provides answers to your home and garden decorating needs. Search their directories and articles, read their e-books, go shopping, visit their design centers or use their 3D room designer service.

Organic Gardening and Farming Made Easy

Your best resource for starting or growing your organic garden or farm! Owner and author Jay North, along with his late wife Pamela, were pioneers in the organic farming industry and introduced hundreds of varieties of organically grown vegetables, fruits, herbs, and Edible Flowers.

Oprah's Angel Network

Dedicated to inspiring people to make a difference in the lives of others, Oprah's Angel Network is a public charity awarding grants to organizations and operating projects that make a difference in underserved communities.
AmPac Biotech

To increase food productivity and protect the environment we are living in, biological products with naturally derived components as alternative approaches will play a meaningful role in overall crop production in the new century.
Basics of Organic Fertilizers

A website that looks at and explains how organic fertilizers helps us improve our soil and all plants.

Benefits & Use of Paulownia plant

Benefits & Use of Fast-Growing Paulownia Trees

Primary Benefits

Ornamental Use
  • Fast-growing, flowering, shade, hardwood tree that reaches approximately 10’-15’ the first year, and a mature height of 30' the third year fully shaded and blooming.
  • Produces a beautiful lightly scented lavender bloom the third spring that lasts 6-8 weeks.
  • Provides shade for homes starting the second summer.
  • Fast growing hardwood is light (14-18 lbs. per cubic foot). Does not warp, crack or twist.
  • Hardwood is fire-resistant. University of Texas labeled wood fire-resistant up to a flashpoint of 477o.
  • Fast-growing hardwood that is used for furniture, musical instruments, doors, moldings, window frames, poles, pulp and paper.
  • Makes great veneer and plywood.
  • Paulownia can be commercially harvested in five to seven years.
  • Peels 20% faster than conventional hardwood.
  • Lightweight with excellent weight-strength ratio.
  • Excellent external and internal cladding for energy efficient homes.
  • Regenerate from the stump after harvesting.
  • Ornamental trees grow from 25’- 30’ in three years, forestry trees grow 70’-80’ in 10-15 yrs.
  • Kiln dries in 24-48 hrs, air dries in 30-60 days (12% moisture).
  • Each acre of trees will scrub 13 tons of harmful CO2 gases and dust from the air each year.
  • Each tree can obsorb 24 gallons of wastewater per year.
  • Each tree releases about 13 lbs. of oxygen per day.
  • Each tree removes 48 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.
Food Source
  • Leaves make a nice tea. Flowers are a beautiful and tasty addition to your salad.
  • Organic honey production: most of the honey from China comes from the Paulownia tree.
  • Intercropping for food staples and specialty crops.
Animal fodder
  • Leaves contain 18-20% protein and are high in nitrogen.
  • A mature tree will produce 85 lbs. of dried fertilizer or animal fodder.
Waste Water Control
  • Increased nitrogen uptake or intake per acre.
  • Erosion control.
  • Waterway contamination can be significantly reduced.
  • Can reduce the spread of odors.
  • Excellent windbreak and screen.
  • Increased return per acre.
  • Waste from feed lots such as hog, turkey and chicken farms is the best fertilizer for the trees and, in turn, the leaves are an excellent food for the animals.

General Planting Instructions of Paulownia

General Planting Instructions
Specific Instructions Come With Each Tree Order

General Directions:
Each Paulownia tree has its own personality. It is not uncommon for the tree to experience some shock which will cause it to appear droopy. Once it has been watered and placed outside in the shade for a day only, it will perk back up.
Before You Start:
Your Paulownia tree should be watered. Then read the instructions that came with your tree. Your tree should now be placed in a gallon container till it is ready to go into the ground. The best way to water the plant is to soak it, then let it dry out before you water it again. If the temperatures are in the high 90's, then only give your tree full sun till noon, then only partial sun till it adjusts. Begin to move it out into the full all day direct sun for a period of a week or so.

Soil Mixture:
Paulownias require a well drained sandy loam soil mix. This mixture should be composed of compost, peat moss, a small amount of sand and your natural soil. We recommend digging a hole that is 2 feet wide by 3 feet deep, and filling it with a 50/50 mixture of natural soil and the above combination of organic matter.

Upon arrival, it is best to use a B1 root stimulant. After a week, begin to fertilize the tree. The Paulownia loves nitrogen. Fertilizing at least once a month is essential in order to ensure the rapid growth of the Paulownia. The trees require a 30-10-10 or a 20-10-10 fertilizer. Be sure to fertilize only at sunset, so as to not burn the trees leaves. The Paulownia tree likes the fertilizer to be sprayed on the roots and leaves. Continue doing this to the trees go dormant in the fall.

All plants are watered before they are packed for shipment, this helps keep the plant moist throughout its long journey. However, some moisture is going to escape. When you receive your plant, thoroughly water it, and place it in a shaded area for a few hours. This will help “perk” it back into shape, and ready for planting. Do not over water! Paulownia soil should dry out between waterings.
Royal Empress Trees:
Royal Empress Trees grow fast, but you can make them grow faster. Follow the professional planting instructions that come with your tree and you’ll get far faster root development and top growth while growing your Paulownia tree.
So more information please contact at
Apple Nepal Pvt.Ltd
Basundhara-03 Kathmandu,Nepal